ES was established in 1991. It has offices in Naples and Rome and, right from its founding, it has operated in the field of High Tech services. Our primary target market consists of central and local governments entities, as well as companies that operate infrastructure networks. ES operates throughout Italy and abroad working in collaboration with, and on behalf of, international organizations. The main focus of its activities is in southern-central Italy, where the company has resources, contacts and a thorough knowledge of the surrounding territory.
“ The real value of information lies in the relationships that serve as their framework”.
This assumption, in line with the principles of the complexity theory, is one of the leading concepts followed by ES in pursuing its goals and fulfilling its mission. ES provides services that cover all the phases of a project, from users needs assessment to users training. In conclusion, we can state that our mission is:
“to transform information into knowledge” through the implementation of systems and methodologies that increase the value of information, turning it into an advanced tool able to support decisions and manage processes and phenomenons.
The Organisation
The company organisational chart, the plans for ongoing improvement, the certifications obtained, the technological infrastructure and the investments in research and development are all on the scale of a much larger enterprise. The organisation is based on the management of projects/contracts as both productive units and costs, the same approach taken with management controls. The ES organisational chart contains both top-flight professional figures (architects, geologists, topographers etc.) and IT experts (analysts, programmers, database managers, systems analysts, etc.).
The distinctive characteristic of the ES organisational structure is the multidisciplinary background of all of these resources, which are fully versed in the languages of both contents and tools, allowing them to achieve truly integrated solutions while minimising time and difficulties faced by the customer.
Thanks to its agile structure and its high-level skills, ES is able to work alongside large organisations as a specialist in its sector, or with smaller entities as a supplier of supplementary resources and know-how.
Organisation and oversight of services
The planning, organisation and oversight of our services follows 4 guidelines that constitute the cornerstones of our mode of operation, and namely:
- The use of project management techniques based on the guidelines of PMI (the Project Management Institute.
- A quality management system based on ISO9001 standards, for which we are certified.
- Ongoing training.
- Fully automated management control
The results not only represent a guarantee of internal operations, but also ensure clients with regard to the quality of project oversight.

For: design and provision of integrated services for management, documentation and valorisation of territory, environment and cultural heritage. Design, development, supply, assistance and maintenance of integrated hardware and software systems. Archaeological excavations, including underwater, artistic objects and monuments restoration.

For the performance of public works, certifying qualification for design and construction services in the following categories:
OS25 Archaeological excavations, Category IV
OG2 Restoration and maintenance of monuments and historical buildings Category III bis